Needed, Children,s clothes, toys, furniture - Price: free

I am a grandmother on a fixed income and (unexpectedly) my grandchildren had to come live with me. Their mother needed to leave their last apartment and they lost everything. The kids mom is staying in Orlando to try and firmly plant her feet there with a job and housing. The kids will be with me for at least a year. They are oldest boy is 6 yrs. and the twins a girl and boy is five yrs. old. Jazmyn wears size girls 6 or 1 in pants or shorts or skirts. The boys sizes are aga appropriate. Even some 4T fits the boys. One of them is also in training pants (4 5 or 6T) because he has a medical problem. Beds or sofa would be of good use also. Travel is limited to Broward COunty North Miami and West Palm Beach. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you and God Bless.



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