2 Black Lionhead Rabbits

They are both good bunnies I need them to find a home ASAP. They are both about 5 months of ageI recently bought another bunny and the smaller female of the two others decided to take a chunk out of her. There is one big rabbit and one small we believe the smaller is the female and the larger the male The male is definitely more calm and is pretty obedient when it comes to picking them up. They both love carrots and Dandelion leaves but they are also used to eating regular store bought bunny food as well. The FEMALE-- needs work. She is very fidgety and needs an experienced owner. She is also rather aggressive to other female rabbits but does fine with the other male we have. This female is a SINGLE MANE The MALE-- Also needs attention daily but he is definitely calmer towards touch and being picked up. The male needs a lot of grooming attention. A brush will be supplied. The male does act fine with female rabbits as I am not so sure about other males. He is a THUMPER. He will thump against his cage or pen very loud and pretty regularly. He is a DOUBLE MANE. He is a big rabbit for his ageBoth rabbits are black in color. They do fine together and I do recommend selling them to the same home as they ve always been together since I bought them. As for breeding purposes I am confident they are not from the same litter.I would love them to be sold between today and tomorrow. Please contact by email or phone (DO NOT TEXT) and I will answer any questions or concerns you have. Thank you.Email Vagabond0621(at)outlook.com Phone (304)-278-9987



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