Ruthie - Female Domestic Longhair

Little Ruthie is a beautiful long haired black kitty. Ruthie is a healthy kitten that came to her foster home with her mom and three litter mates when they were 4 weeks old. She loves to explore. She purrs and purrs when she is picked up and petted. Ruthie will do best in a forever home where there are other cats or being adopted with one of her litter-mates Elva Matilda or Henrietta. She loves her sisters and adores her foster mom s adult cats. Adoption fee 150 (2 kittens 225). Ruthie will be spayed vaccinated (FVCRP & Rabies) tested for FELV FIV treated for parasites & microchipped. Ruthie s foster home is in Sykesville MD (Carroll County).... More Info



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