BLUE - Female Mini Rex

Hello my name is Blue I am a beautiful girl with amazingly soft fur. I am very sweet and loveable and don t mind being petted and loved on. Come visit me today Rabbits can live over ten years require space and commitment and can be costly. They are social animals who want your attention and who each have their own personalities. Rabbits are fragile and have delicate spines so their owner must be educated on proper rabbit handling. Because of this rabbits do best with adults and older children.Rabbits need a large cage with a hide shelter water bottle and food bowl toys like balls and chew sticks and a hay rack. They can be litter box trained which means they also need a litter box. A healthy rabbit s diet consists of 80% hay with timothy grass and oat hays for older rabbits and alfalfa hay for young rabbits. Rabbits also need a large variety of vegetables and greens a limited amount of rabbit food pellets and the very occasional sugary treat like carrots or berries.Rabbits get bored just like the rest of us and enjoy ripping up newspaper and playing with carboard boxes and toilet paper rolls. Rabbits can be messy and enjoy rearranging their cages exactly how they like it They need room to roam and exercise outside of their cage each day but it is very important to rabbit-proof your home areas before letting the rabbit out. They love to chew on wires and destroy paperwork and should always be supervised.Adoption Fee 30.00Our bunnies are for indoors only. Adoption includes their neuter and microchip.... More Info



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