Dennison the Orangeness Kitten - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Website Cats-Can.orgDennison and his brother Avery had a tough start in life. They were being taken care of by a homeless woman and she was keeping them safe in a rabbit coop.We took them and placed them in an awesome foster home so they are now ready for their new home with you.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet. C.A.T.S.-C.A.N. Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Geneva Florida. We operate a no-kill shelter and have cats and kittens up for adoption at Oviedo PetsMart. We screen each applicant. Please call or come by to see our kitties - 11 00 - 5 00 every Saturday and most Sunday s Noon to 4 00 at the Oviedo Petsmart adoption event. You can also visit a few of our resident cats every day in the Petsmart Cat room Know someone who needs low-cost high-quality spay neuter services for their pets Have them contact SpayNSave at -----X for clinic dates information and appointments. We work with feral cats domestic cats and also offer spay and neuter services for dogs. Contact us today ... More Info



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