German Shepherd Pups 3 Males

I have for sale 3 Male Shepherd Puppies. They were born 02 07 19. They are up to date on Worming and have had 2 puppy shots. They are paper trained. Currently outside in a Kennel. They are well socialized with people other dogs horses and cats. These boys will be large. They are big bones. These Pups belong with someone who has a fenced in yard with lots of room to run. I will not sell to someone who lives in an apartment and will be gone 12 hours a day. If for some reason you are not able to keep the dog. I will take him back I will not return any money don t want to see them go to animal control. Mom is about 75 80 lbs still growing. She is a black and little tan. Dad is easily 123 130 he is still growing also He is the white One. They are very loyal already but hubby and daughter says they must go. Please text me at 9899443361. I will txt you back or call you. I screen my calls so leave a message and I will contact you back.



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