Super Sweet Female Dalmatian puppy Dalmatian you will LOVE her

Super Sweet Female Dalmatian puppy Dont have the time necessary to devote to a pet unfortunately. She is 8 weeks old F1B Gorgeous light cream golden color currently. This is the generation that is almost guaranteed to not shed and to be a wavy curly coat. Will come with 30lbs of her food Food container bowls toys snuggle pup Kong Crate Kong Crate pad puppy bed and anything else I have for her Really hate to see her go but with work I just dont have the time to devote to her ( Re-homing fee does apply if you are looking for a Dalmatian you will LOVE her she is beautiful fun smart and energetic but that s to be expected with a puppy D Sleeps in a crate at night Please text if interested. She is already doing really great with potty training goes almost instantly when taken outside and very very few accidents in the house First round of shots are completed



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