A bunch of miscellaneous records for sale - Price: $200 or B/O

I was recently cleaning out my spare room and came across all these old records that I have no use for and would like to sell. To name a few of them Journey (Evolution) Styxx (pieces of 8) and Styxx (roman Numeral 2 ) Bruce Springstein ( the River) Bad Company (Desolution Angels) Best of the . Geils Band Rod Stewart (Blondes have more fun)The Charlie Daniels Band (million mile reasons) Yes (Tormato) Marshall Tucker band greatest hits Mannfred Mans (earthbound watch) Supertramp (even in the quietest moments) Kansis and Kansis (leftoverture) Jackson Browne (running on empty) Cheap Trick ( At Budokan) Simon and Garfunkel greatest hits and Lake... Then I also have some small records with no cases tho they are Alice Cooper Chicago The Beatles Queen and The Patti Smith Group. You can take the whole box of the for 200 or we can negotiate. I am very reasonable...Thank You and I hope to hear from you soon



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