ROWE Livestock Feed - Price: 15

Livestock Feed - I am a new dealer of ROWE livestock feed. ROWE does no advertising and is all word of mouth but those that have used it switch entirely to it. It has same or better ingredients as Purina Kent StarMaster High Noon and other leading brands but normally 1 to 2 cheaper a 50lb bag of feed than what your paying thus decreasing your overall cost of livestock or 4H project. Check us out at for prices and to learn more about our feed. I serve Logan and southern Hardin Counties but other agents are all over Ohio. Examples of prices for 50 lb bag rabbit 14 chicken layer 13.75 show goat 15 horse 13 calf 14 show pig 18. you can email text me a picture of you current label and I ll find a feed that matches it or better and let you nkow the cost. Jeremy 937-935-7228



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