2011 Nissan Altima 2.5 SL - Price: $13,990

Power Locks Power Mirrors Power Windows Automatic Fuel Efficient Alloy Wheels. This outstanding example of a 2011 Nissan Altima 2.5 S is offered by North End Motors. This 2011 Nissan Altima comes with a CARFAX Buyback Guarantee which means you can buy with confidence. With its full CARFAX one-owner history report you ll know exactly what you are getting with this well-kept Nissan Altima. The impressive Nissan fuel-efficiency will make you quickly realize what you ve been missing out on in life. It s noteworthy fuel economy and minimal emissions make this vehicle s value a cut above the rest. Look good driving this beautiful vehicle and feel good knowing it comes with a factory warranty. More information about the 2011 Nissan Altima Whether as a coupe or sedan the Altima feels quite sporty with better steering and handling than most other mid-size sedans. Appearance-wise it s also more distinctive than other mid-size sedans or coupes with an interior that feels more inspired and sporty. Base-model Altimas also come better equipped than most other mid-size models. Performance remains a strength for the Altima its engines provide good acceleration while responsive handling helps complete the sporty feel throughout. The Altima Hybrid isn t offered in all states but it does offer excellent fuel economy while performing better overall than the Toyota Camry Hybrid. Strengths of this model include coupe body style crisp handling Strong acceleration sporty interior design and hybrid fuel economy



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