PLUMBERS NEEDED - Compensation: D.O.E

PLUMBER NEEDED (SAN ANTONIO AND PLEASANTON TEXAS) PLUMBERS DESCRIPTION The Plumber is responsible for performing the full range of journey-level plumping work including assembling installing repairing and maintaining plumbing and drainage systems in compliance with specifications and plumbing codes. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Review blueprints schematic drawings and job specifications to determine the layout of plumbing systems water supply networks and drainage systems. Assemble install repair and maintain pipes fittings and fixtures of heating water and drainage systems. Identify required tools and special equipment. Select the type and size of pipe. Locate and mark positions for connections and fixtures. Measure and cut openings in walls and floors to install pipe and pipe fittings. Ensure all installations repairs and maintenance are properly sized aligned and supported. Perform scheduled maintenance service on plumbing drainage systems and fixtures. Schedule and record all repair and maintenance activities. Clean and maintain equipment tools and the general work area. Comply with Company and customer policies and procedures. Support zero-incident safety culture and assume personal accountability and responsibility for safe work practices in all projects activities and operations



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