Akc German Shepherd Puppies - Price: 650

Beautiful AKC Registered German Shepherd Puppies 9 weeks old and ready to go. Sables and bi-colors. Have had first shots and 2 wormings. These were raised in my home loved and cared for by myself and my family. Great temperments smart and playful. You have open registration when you buy your puppy. The Mother s 3rd great grandfather is Urxi Z Blatenskeho Zamku (ZM ZPS1 SCHH3 IPO2 ZVV3). Urxi comes from a long line of titled Shepherds found here www.pedigreedatabase.com german_shepherd_dog dog.html id 517638-urxi-z-blatenskeho-zamku. His ancestry can be found beneath his photo. Also on the mothers line her 4th great grandfather is Stormfronts Brawnson (SCHH3 DPO2 WPO FH 00& 02 WPO Champion) information about him can be found here. www.pedigreedatabase.com german_shepherd_dog dog.html id 133344-stormfronts-brawnson along with his ancestry and another webpage is here www.ddrlegends.com brawnson.html Fathers ancestry can be found here www.pedigreedatabase.com dog.html id 620697. You can see his parents and generations of ancestors at the bottom of the website. Father is 100% German bloodline. Most of his ancestry holds a SCHH1-SCHH3 some tracing (FH) and international Novice Schutzhund (IP3). Email or text 740-444-1903 if you call please leave a message with a call back number. Located in Meigs County Ohio. 750 & 650



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