Beautiful TICA Ragdoll Kittens Available - Price: Starting at $6

We have a wide selection of Ragdoll Kittens Available -- traditional kittens the rare mink and sepia kittens and blue-eyed white kittens. Our home-raised kittens come in a wide variety of colors including seal blue chocolate lilac red creme white and tortie. In addition many patterns are available such as bicolor pointed mitted lynx tortie van and some of these can include a blaze for an extrasspecial splash of white on their cute little faces. We offer a full health guarantee and TICA registration with all kittens. Kittens receive all age-appropriate vaccinations and vet visits before leaving our home. Please check out our website at for your new and lovable family member. Kittens are available throughout the year so check back often. You can email gina(at) or call leave a message at 918-440-0502. All emails and messages are answered in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you for looking at GemDandy Ragdolls - The Jewels of the Cat Family



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