Stunning Apricot AKC Female Standard Poodle Puppy - Price: $750.

Beautiful 3 month old puppy. She has had three vaccinations and is well started on housebreaking. She uses a doggy door. She has been raised in my home and handled from birth. She is friendly and playful. She has a great temperment. Her mother is 45 pounds and dad is 55 pounds. Tails were docked and dewclaws removed. These pups are good with children and other dogs. They are hypoallergenic and non shedding. A small deposit will a puppy. A payment plan is available. Shipping is also available. We accept cash money orders Paypal or Walmart moneygrams. Please email me at alohabestrentals(at) or call 505-452-6223. Photos available on request.



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