Cedar Ridge Training Offers For Sale - Price: $3000

2005 chestnut gelding 15.2 hands Heavy bone and muscle ranch and heading horse used in the pasture professionally trained owned by us since a weanling 2008 black dun gelding 15 hands medium muscled ranch and working cow horse used in the pasture professionally trained owned by us since 3 yr. old would make a good youth horse 2007 sorrel gelding 15 hands medium muscled grandson of Zan Parr Bar ranch and working cow horse excellent heeling prospect professionally trained owned by us since a 3 yr. old 2009 AQHA bay roan gelding 15.1 hands medium muscled Pitzer breeding show ready trained in reined working cow horse 13 months professional training make a youth horse 2004 AQHA sorrel mare 15 hands medium muscle ranch and cow horse started in heeling would also make a good barrel horse grand-daughter of Pawnee Eagle very pretty mare



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