Seth - Male Mastiff

Seth is an adorable 6 year old male Bullmastiff that came to us from a shelter in Texas. When it comes to people Seth is a real loverboy and a huge cuddle monster. This handsome devil loves hanging with the family and getting treats and belly rubs. Not only is Seth good looking he s also very smart he knows basic obedience how to shake and how to use a dog door Seth prefers to live in a quieter environment which means he ll need to find a place with older kids. He used to live in a home with his bullmastiff brother and hung out with a few small dogs at a foster home so we think that Seth would be okay in a house with laid-back pets after a slow proper introduction. We re not sure how Seth feels about felines but he will chase wild bunnies at the Bullpen so it s probably better that he find a home without cats. Seth has seen a lot of transition in the last year and it s made him a little nervous about being left alone so until he realizes that his next family is forever we think Seth would do best in a home with at least one stay at home person. Seth also isn t a fan of thunderstorms but as long as he s got his stuffed warthog toy and he s by his human s side he feels much better Seth is housebroken and wonderful on a leash. He is current on his shots microchipped neutered and almost done with his heartworm treatment. If you would like to give Seth the home that he s been dreaming of please contact us at -XX(at)-----XX. We highly recommend that our potential adopters fill out an online application as soon as possible as it greatly expedites the process of finding the right dog for your situation. The adoption app is available on our website (-.----X.-) under the work with us tab. If you choose not to fill out an application before inquiring about a particular dog please briefly tell us about yourself family and lifestyle since this will help us determine if the dog you re interested in is a good match.Our dogs are available for adoption nationwide but preference is given to adopters willing to do an in-person meeting. Please understand that our dogs are not adopted on a first-come first-serve basis but rather we strive for a perfect placement so we know that they will not be failed again. ... More Info



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