Matilda (Mattie) - Female Australian Cattle Dog

This is sweet Matilda (Mattie) an Australian blue heeler mix. Matilda is a young girl probably around six months old. She is the typical blue heeler full of energy loaded with personality and probably a bit on the mischievous side. This little girl is active and happy but she does not like being on a leash just yet. She will need some training for walking on a leash. Matilda has a long tail as opposed to some who have shorter ones. Matilda was brought to the Athens Limestone Animal Shelter as a stray. Heelers are generally high energy dogs that need lots of room to exercise and someone who can and will see that they get the exercise they need. They are very loyal dogs though and their herding tendencies are often inherited and surface naturally.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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