Boone - Male Labrador Retriever

Boone is another young Labrador retriever mix who has ended up at the Athens Limestone Animal Shelter as a stray. Boone is a happy little guy but he has a strong dislike for leashes. This little guy is going to make someone or some family a wonderful little companion He has such a warm and attentive personality. A very sweet temperament Boone is good with kids good with adults and seems to be very receptive to the presence of other dogs. From the time I spent with him he seems to beg for attention with his eyes and he soaks up all the loving you will giver him. And he does have those Labrador retriever eyes that seem to be able to read your mind and touch your heart Don t look into those eyes too closely or too long if you are not ready to take him home with you. This little guy is a WINNER Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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