Lola - Female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix

What a gem LOLA is a stunning 8 month old 13-pound King Charles Cavalier mix who regularly stops people in their tracks to comment on her beauty and sweet nature. Lola is still young and needs some training but she has the basics down. She s very smart a quick learner and eager to please. She loves her long walks and is equally happy to relax and snuggle. Lola truly is a wonderful dog she has a lot of love to give and would make a great companion for anyone e specially a family with children so she can shower them with kisses and cuddles. Lola is fearful of other dogs so a home as an only pet might be best for her at this time. She is great with all people and kids just a little shy of other dogs. She s spayed up to date on shots microchipped and heartworm negative. She will be professionally groomed before adoption and will go home with a new leash and collar set. She is SO ready to find her forever family If you would like to adopt Lola please submit an online application via our website She just might be the one you ve been waiting for NY NJ CT PA RI MA VT NH DE MD VA ... More Info



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