Spanky - Male Pit Bull TerrierLabrador Retriever Mix

Meet Spanky Spanky is one of the Sitcom kids He was born in foster care to a very pregnant mom that was rescued from a local shelter just one week before she gave birth. Spanky is being raised with his mom siblings and other fosters on a farm setting with other dogs barn cats and horses So far the cats have avoided all of the pups so we aren t sure how interested he would be in them. He seemed to show slight interest in the horses but safely stayed away. Spanky looks a lot like his mama who was part pit-bull and we aren t sure who Daddy was. He s got an adorable smudge of white on his nose to match his white chest and belly. He s currently one of the largest in his litter at 15lbs at only 3 months old. We expect him to be a big boy once he s finished growing. Though he is being fostered in North Alabama he is available for adoption in your area. If you are interested in being Spanky s FORever family apply here -X ---.- dog-application ... More Info



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