Missy mellow and amazing - Female Dachshund

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.ATTN If you have questions or are interested in meeting this fantastic pet please visit our website at -.---XX.- and click on Adoption Application.Missy mellow and amazing Favorite pastimes I like to go for leisurely walks and enjoy spending time with my people Spayed femaleDachshundApproximately 12 years oldApproximately 10 poundsGood with dogs Yes she lives with other dogs but shows little interest in them (preferring to be with her human companions)Good with cats UnknownGood with kids UnknownCrate trained YesHouse Trained YesEnergy level LowShedding amount Average for breed Introducing Sweet Missy This lovely lady is charming and happy simply looking for people to love and a soft place to lay her head. She is very low-key and not overly active but she does enjoy going on short strolls around the neighborhood giving her a chance to show off her people Missy really does enjoy her people She always greets them with excitement and a wagging tail and cannot wait for them to settle in so she can nap on their laps Loving gentle and kind Missy will be a welcome addition to your quiet home My adoption fee is 250. All of Good Karma s dogs are current on heartworm flea and tick preventative while in foster care spayed neutered and are adopted with all age-appropriate distemper vaccines rabies vaccine deworming microchip and heartworm test (in dogs over 6 months of age). Good Karma adopts out animals within a 60 mile radius of the Twin Cities or a 30 minute radius of Duluth and Rochester Please visit -.---XX.- to fill out an adoption application. Once the application is received and awesome representative of Good Karma will contact you to answer any questions you may have and or set up a time for you to meet your new pet Good Karma Animal Rescue s approval process includes conducting a home visit before adopters take their new pet home. Note on breed and age determination Good Karma Animal Rescue of MN bases our breed and age determinations on appearance our own knowledge veterinarian advice and or information from the sending shelters or previous owners. Because most of our adoptable dogs were previously in shelters we can t be 100% sure of a dog s breed mix and unless there is a specific date of birth listed we can t be 100% sure of a dog s age. Additionally our assessments of a dog s interactions with other dogs cats or children are based on OUR experiences. Your experience may differ.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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