Shadow - Male Labrador RetrieverSetter (Unknown Type) Mix

Shadow is about 11 pounds and loves to be with a buddy he came to us with his 4 other siblings although they all have their own color and personality. We do not know who mom or dad is so the breed is our best guess. They are thought to be around 12 weeks old....What we do know is they are going to make a great addition to someones family Please complete an adoption application at -X -.----.-. Your 350.00 adoption donation will be used to help rescue the next pet in need. As a rescue we reserve the right to assist the applicant in selection of a pet. Please understand some families will not possess the qualities necessary for certain pets. All adopted pets are current with rabies and distemper parvo vaccinations. All of our rescued pets are micro chipped and spay or neutered. While some of our pets available have been treated for heart worm or tested heart worm negative all of our pets will be current on heart worm preventative. All heart worm information is available to all applicants as this information is crucial to the well being of the pet. Please visit and like our Facebook page at -XX -.--XX.- BigRedRescue... More Info



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