Jazzy - Female German Shepherd Dog Mix

Please contact ADOPTION (-XX(at)-----XX) for more information about this pet.She is a gorgeous onyx black Shephard who is super sweeet. She is about 18 months old and full of energy. She will get to be about 70lbs. She needs to have a fenced in back yard with at least a 6 1 2 to 7 foot high fence. She loves to play ball. She needs an active family. She is a great girl and longs for her own family. Age 2 Years Old Weight 45 Pounds Temperament Gets along with kids dogs and cats Training Housetrained and crate-trained Vetting Spay neutered up-to-date on vaccines and heartworm negative This pooch is currently being fostered in TN but can be transported down for a trial run in his adoptive home once the application process is complete. Contact -XX(at)-----XX with questions or complete send an Adoption Application. We look forward to hearing from you. This adoptable is not a Doggie Harmony animal but a courtesy listing on behalf of the kind person who rescued and cares for this animal until it can find a forever home. There will be a fee to reimburse for the cost of its vetting care it will vary by rescuer animal. Additionally this rescuer will ask you to complete an application and allow a home visit to ensure pet is a good fit for your home lifestyle. If you would like to proceed with the application please click Adoption Application now.... More Info



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