JEWEL - Female Treeing Walker CoonhoundHound (Unknown Type) Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Please note that we can not guarantee the age expected weight or breed of any animal. What we provide is our best estimates based on our experience and the information provided by the our medical partnersApprox 2 Year Old Female Treeing Walker Coonhound Mix Meet Jewel She s a 3 year old 45 lb very sweet hound dog. Jewel walks on a leash and is crate trained. She gets along great with other animals - dogs and cats. She s a laid back sweet and gentle dog. She is happy and affectionate. She wants to be with you and is happy to be your best friend. Jewel tries to climb fences. She has not been successful thus far but if there s a will there s a way so she will require a secure yard or leash walking.



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