Continuous Baler for Metal Scrap Bundling

As the name Suggest the continuous baler compress the scrap by continuous process and bundle size up to 20x20 as per scrap feed. We are India s largest manufacturer of wide range of baling machines. Contact us for Baler shredder briquetting shearing and Box shear machine.KHASRA NO 86 23 METRO PILLAR NO 626 HIRAN KUDNA MOR NEAR GHEVRA METRO STATION MUNDKA INDUSTRAL AREA UDYOG NAGAR ROHTAK ROAD Delhi 110081 CIN U74899DL1982PTC013168 Phone 91-11-28353700-10 Fax 91-11-283537010 Mobile 91-9958596018 91-9810728984 Email info(at) netmart(at) Please visit here continuous-baler



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