Orange tabbies - Female Domestic Shorthair

August 13-----Bridget is adopted Cassie and Tina still looking for their special homes. June 25th-----3 girls left. Bridget Cassie and TinaThese baby girls are 9 weeks old now have had their second set of shots and will be spayed soon.Please get your applications in. They will go quickly. Super playful and sweet.Four (4) orange lt. orange tabby sisters were orphaned when mama was either hit by a car or poisoned. We aren t sure as she found dead near her kittens in a garage with no obvious signs . She had been healthy and nursing them for 2 weeks prior. They were taken into foster care and bottle fed. They are now 6 weeks old and will be ready for new homes in JULY. It s fairly rare to find an orange tabby that is female but to have all 4 from the same litter is amazing. We will take applications for PRE-APPROVAL but they WILL NOT be adopted out until they are big enough for spay surgery which is 3 pounds. Request an application at ----XX(at)---. Thanks... More Info



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