Fleetwood Pacearrow

Year 1992Manufacturer FleetwoodModel Pace Arrow class a Length 37 Miles two known road tripsChassis ChevySleeps 6A C 2 Heating CentralGenerator Onan Marquis 7000 (730 hrs)Awning 19 Emergency Aux Start YesTV 2 Audiovox (Front and Back)Exterior gelcoat fiberglassElectric Step YesTires all brand newDecor FabricDining Style Dinette BoothSofa Couch Couch Bedroom Queen walk around bedroom with xtra storage & full bedroom in front.Refrigerator FULL SIZE kitchen. Full size Refrigerator FreezerCounter Tops Tiled countertopsStainless steel sinksMicrowave convection ovenStove FULL4-burner stove w oven and vented hoodWindows single-paneSound System AM FM cassette player CDElectrical Svc 30 ampLP Gas 23.9 gallonsGlider suspension gasoline 7.5(455 Ford) Water Heater 100 gallon fresh H2O 2017 Atwell heater. Side DoorLarge shower w glass enclosureFull size bathroom with skylight & raised toilet. Skylight in bathroom and hallwayLarge pantryBuilt-in cutting boardPlushed padded vinyl ceilingsExterior showerWasher Dryer comboBase storage full sizeAnderson windows etched glass mirrorssatellite yesCondition Good



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