Charley - Male Lhasa Apso Mix

PLEASE NOTE Unless stated otherwise our dogs and puppies are located in Arkansas and transported to the north northeast once adopted. We do occasionally have dogs puppies placed in foster homes in the north northeast. In the cases where the pet is somewhere other than Arkansas it will be noted beside the name of the pet.8 13 16 Charley is a precious little guy who was found as a stray and no one ever came forward to claim him. Charley weighed in at 14lbs when we took him to the vet and he s estimated to be between 1 and 2 years old. We believe he is a Lhasa Apso mix possibly mixed with Cocker Spaniel. He is a friendly and sweet natured boy who seems to love everyone. He is in a foster home with several other dogs of various sizes and he does well with them. He would probably be nervous around very young children but would do fine with school aged children and older. Charley uses a doggy door to go out to potty and does well with it. He tested negative for heartworms and will be neutered before going to his new home. Charley is located in Arkansas. Out of state transport is available once we have a confirmed adoption. For more info email ---XX(at)---Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.Our typical adoption fee for puppies younger than 6 months old is 300 and for older puppies and adults the typical fee is 250. This includes spay neuter up to date vaccinations dewormings flea tick treatment and heartworm test (as well as treatment if they test positive) for all pups dogs over 6 months old. There is a transport fee of 140 per dog. We use Got Orphans Transport and you can see more about them at -.------X.-.For more info regarding adopting email ---XX(at)---.Thank you for considering one of our rescue babies ... More Info



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