Scooby - Male Domestic Shorthair

Scooby is a cute and lovable 12 week old brown tabby and white boy. He is playful and active but also enjoys petting and cuddling. Scooby loves playing with his brother Scampi. They would like to be adopted together if possible but would also do OK with a young playful kitty companion. Scooby tested FIV . His mother was likely FIV and transferred the FIV antibodies to him while nursing. This results in positive test results for several months after birth. However per the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine web site few of these kittens actually are or will be infected. To clarify their status the kittens will be retested at 30 day intervals until they are at least six months old. If Scooby s FIV test results are a concern to you but you fall in love with his sweet personality and cute looks we are open to considering a foster to adopt arrangement until his test results are finalized.He is part of a litter of 4 - Scooch Scarletti Scooby Scampi (3 boys and 1 girl (Scarletti))Adoption fee is a minimum 75 per cat donation to Feral Fixers . All cats are up to date on shots microchipped dewormed fixed and felv fiv negative. Discounted adoption fee if two kittens or cats are adopted together 130 for a pair. Brief screening questionaire and contract apply Please email ----X(at)----- or call (630) ---X for more information... More Info



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