Prada - Chanel pup - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Small)Poodle (

Breed Terrier Poodle mix (Terripoo) Age DOB 6 20 2016 Weight 4 lbs. Good with dogs yes Good with cats Good with kids Energy level Good with men strangers Hypoallergenic no Special home requirements or medical Additional info Prada is about two months old. She was surrendered to the shelter with her mom and 5 siblings when she was 4 days old. Mom is a 13 lbs silver poodle but we have no idea who dad was so we estimate her size to be medium - maybe 15-30 lbs. Although her Mama was a poodle Prada is not hypoallergenic and she does shed. Prada is the liveliest most playful of the litter. She absolutely loves people and she loves playing with her foster mom s adult dog. She is off the charts on the cuteness factor. She s ready for her patient loving forever home right now. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ADOPTING THIS DOG PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ THE DOG S INFORMATION CAREFULLY. ONCE YOU HAVE DONE SO PLEASE DO THE FOLLOWING 1. Visit -.------.- 2. Then fill out an online ADOPTION APPLICATION - -X ------.- adopt-a-dog adoption-application 3. Please wait to hear from our representative in approximately 48 hours on weekdays. 4. To learn more about our adoption process please look up our Adoption FAQ s. - -X ------.- adopt-a-dog adoption-faq ... More Info



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