Condo for rent 2 bedroom w/loft 2 1/2 bath, Guste Island Subdivi

1 500. deposit 2 bedrooms with an open loft. 2 1 2 baths - Master bath has garden tub glass shower both bathrooms have double sinks. Side-by-side Whirlpool refrigerator and Washer Dryer front loaders w folding table Walk-in closets (Master extra large) Open floor plan kitchen dining livingroom. Granite counter tops in the kitchen. All rooms wired for phone cable. Surround sound in livingroom. Lower level is tile stairwell and top floor carpet bathrooms tiled One car garage and small storage off back porch. 6ft privacy fence surrounds small backyard (this maintained by renter) All front lawn flower beds & trash service provided. Access to the pool and pool house. Pet s are welcome - with owners pre-approval. 300.00 deposit non-refundable. Condo is located with easy access to I-12 and the causeway bridge. Neighborhood is quiet zoned for St. Tammany parish schools (Madisonville Elem. Lancaster Elem. Madisonville Jr. High). Ready for move in NOW



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