Ethan - Male Chihuahua

Prior to discussing our dogs we will need you to complete the Preliminary Adoption Application on our homepage at -.---XX.-. This application does not commit you to an adoption. It is used to screen those interested to make sure the home is a good match for the animal. If your application is approved one of our volunteers will contact you via phone or email.As with all our other pets please have an excellent verifiable vet history if you wish to be considered to adopt. Adoption Fee 250.00 All of our dogs have been given age-appropriate vaccinations are spayed neutered dewormed had capstar and or frontline applied heartworm tested and treated if necessary and microchipped with registration pre paid.Ethan is 4 pounds of pure love Such a sweet baby boy. He is about a year old very clean inside he will use his wee wee pads between potty breaks. He loves toys and snuggly dog beds.... More Info



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