OLIVER - Male Pug

Oliver arrived at Pug Luv on July 15th. He was surrendered to a shelter and they contacted Pug Luv to take him into the rescue. He is approximately 8 years old house trained crate trained good with children other dogs as well as cats. He has been neutered and brought up to date on his Rabies DHLLP Bordetella Heart worm blood and fecal testing and had his teeth cleaned. He is overweight and will be placed on a rigid diet to lose weight. He is blind but is adapting well to his surroundings. The Pug Luv Veterinarian has determined he should be seen by the Ophthalmologist to be further evaluated. He likes to be with you and sit on your lap whenever he can. He enjoys rough housing with the other dogs. Oliver was seen by the Ophthalmologist on August 11th. He has detached retinas in both eyes as and the condition is not reversible. It is recommended that the left eye which also has glaucoma be removed to make him more comfortable. The right eye will be treated with Flurbiprofen drops daily for the remainder of his life to attempt to prevent the glaucoma in the right eye. He is scheduled to return to the Ophthalmologist on February 13th. His surgery for the left eye has not been schedule as of yet. Until all of his medical issues are resolved he will remain on Medical Hold.If you are interested in adopting Oliver or any of the dogs currently residing with Pug Luv go to michiganpugrescue.com click on the Adopt tab on the left of the home page download print complete and submit an application for adoption to begin the adoption process.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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