PUPPY TITAN - Male Australian Cattle Dog Mix

My name is Titan and I am a special breed of dog that a lot of people find perfect for companionship. I am a Red Heeler mix that is just 6 months old and weigh about 30 pounds right now. I will ultimately be about 45-50 pounds and I will be a smart and devoted dog for you and your family. My breed is known for its intelligence loyalty love and very special devotion. We stay by your side when out on walks and we are a focused and very trainable dog the Heelers. I cannot tell you just what is mixed in my background but I am mostly Heeler and I am so lucky to have Critter Cavalry Rescue to take me in and find me a great home. You see they know all about the Heelers and place many of them every year. They know that I will need a strong leader and a loving and patient teacher. I love my toys and my foster mom is teaching me about a crate and what doggie manners are inside and outside the house. I LOVE OTHER DOGS But I have seen the cat and thought that was a fabulous creature to chase. No one yet knows my intent if I should catch the cat. I am easily taught the rights and wrongs of cat interaction. I am young and being molded into a great dog is so very possible right now Could that be you PLEASE NOTE Our dogs are transported from Tennessee to meeting places in the states where we have posted. Further information about us is given on our Adopt-A-Pet site. The adoption fees vary and will be provided as well as noted on the application you receive. Contact us at -----X or ----X(at)---... More Info



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