Sasha - Female Domestic Shorthair Mix

Pretty Young DSH Brown Tabby with a tiny amount of tortie FemaleSasha is a very pretty 3 old short-haired Brown Tabby with a few tortie markings spayed female. She has cute tortie markings on one of her feet. She is very sweet and loves attention and loves to play. She can be a bit shy off the bat but comes around quickly with attention and is very friendly. She is a little sad because her brother Glappy was adopted without her. She is calm enough she should be fine with other docile cats. She does not do well with young children (under age 10) but should be O.K. with older cat-friendly children who know to give her the space she needs and not try to pick her up. We don t know about dogs but perhaps if they are vey calm and would leave her alone. Come meet this extremely pretty young lady.... More Info



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