Marley - Male Domestic Shorthair Mix

Handsome young small DSH Grey with White MaleMarley is a very handsome small white with grey markings DSH 1 year old neutered male that is FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). He is a little shy off the bat but once he knows you he is friendly sweet enjoys attention and to play. He will need a playmate (either human or feline) and would love to be adopted with his sister Midge and or his roommate KJ (DSH black) who is also FeLV positive. There is a discount for adopting more than one. He was rescued with his sister from being put down at another shelter and transferred to us. FeLV positive cats can live long relatively healthy lives in a calm environment with good care. Many even go into remission. He needs to be the only cat or with other FeLV cats. He needs a safe in door only low-stress home. He should only be around cat friendly children who will play gently with him and won t stress him out. We don t know about dogs but perhaps a calm cat-friendly dog might also be O.K. Come meet this sweet and handsome young man.... More Info



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