Philadelphia Colocation

Have a business that uses computers Then this applies to YOU craigslist - Map data OpenStreetMap 24th Street at Locust St. Most of these ads waste your time and I know time is money so I won t do that If your company uses computers on a daily basis then without a doubt you need our help. Remember Hurricane Sandy The event was recent and powerful enough that most of the businesses effected are still trying to recover their losses. Some have even closed down completely as a direct result. At Quonix we offer a plethora of services that fully secure your data in an off-site state-of-the-art data center. All of our services are fully redundant. What is redundancy you may ask Redundancy is basically a fancy word for backup and we have some of the best fail-safe systems in the business. Whether you need to colocate your servers or backup the data on your business computers you can be assured that the power supply to our building NEVER shuts off. How Our facility is fully powered just like any other building would be accept that we are in a very reliably powered area located in Philadlphia. Redundancy comes into play when you take into account that we have at least 2 of everything. To make things even more comforting we have multiple high output diesel backup generators that can run for the full extent of any power outage (Hurrican Sandy Proof as well as any other storm that dares to question our power). Being a savvy business person myself I know how important your data is and I ALWAYS choose to backup my own data (in some cases at more than one location). Data such as client and contact information electronic bills e-mails website data etc. is of paramount importance to your business well being. If you were to lose any or all of this data it could be catastrophic. As I said in the beginning I am not going to waste your time. I just wanted to outline what our business does and how we have been preventing calamitous issues for hundreds of businesses like yours all across the country for years an years to come. If you want to secure your data or colocate your servers we are the place to call. We offer great prices a wonderful service personalized customer support troubleshooting and a host of options that you can t get anywhere else (for the same price and quality). Make the right decision for your business before it s too late As they say You don t know what you ve got till it s gone. Please Call Today 215-558-5908 Visit Our Website I will personally discuss your options with you so that when the next storm hits your business will be PREPARED and UNHARMED



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