$200k is way too much to pay for a house

< DIV> Look at this list of homes for sale for under< DIV> < DIV> 200k & nbsp < DIV> < DIV> & nbsp < DIV> < DIV> < A href www.strategichomesearch.com listings areas 42656 45884 50484 159209 maxprice 199900 beds 3 propertytype SINGLE listingtype Resale%20New Foreclosure%20Bank%20Owned Short%20Sale Lease%20Rent > www.strategichomesearch.com listings areas 42656 45884 50484 159209 maxprice 199900 beds 3 propertytype SINGLE listingtype Resale%20New Foreclosure%20Bank%20Owned Short%20Sale Lease%20Rent < A> < DIV> < DIV> & nbsp < DIV> < DIV> If you d like you can create you own home search< DIV> < DIV> or checkout what your local market is doing< DIV> < DIV> below & nbsp < B> Just enter your zip code< B> .< DIV> < DIV> < BR> < A href www.strategichomesearch.com mimarket zip 53901 target _blank> < IMG border 0 alt middleton housing stats src i1027.photobucket.com albums y340 tvitense middleton_housing_stats.png > < A> < DIV> < DIV> & nbsp < BR> < A href www.strategicrealestateteam.com 2011 06 09 top-3-home-buyer-mistakes-must-see-video target _blank> < IMG border 0 alt top 3 home buyer mistakes mistake buyers make when looking to buy a house src i1027.photobucket.com albums y340 tvitense top3_home_buyer_mistakes.png > < A> < DIV> < BR> < P style MARGIN 0in 0in 0pt > < FONT size 2> < FONT color 000000> Search all homes in Bellville Cambridge Cottage Grove Dane Deforest Cross Plains Deforest< FONT> < FONT> < P> < P style MARGIN 0in 0in 0pt > < FONT size 2> < FONT color 000000> Deerfield Fitchburg Windsor Maple Bluff Shorewood Hills Marshall Mazomanie Mcfarland < FONT> < FONT> < P> < P style MARGIN 0in 0in 0pt > < FONT size 2> < FONT color 000000> Middleton Mount Horeb Oregon Stoughton Sun Prairie Verona Waunakee Westport Milton< FONT> < FONT> < P> < P style MARGIN 0in 0in 0pt > < FONT size 2> < FONT color 000000> Edgerton Evansville Janesville Lake Mills Lodi Portage Sauk Brooklyn Poynette et...< FONT> < FONT> < P> < BR>



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