Free to a good home

Fez is an 18-month-old trainable Australian cattle dog with a lot of energy and a good heart. Fez is free to a good home with the set expectation that he needs a large area to be able to run and be active in a strong confident owner that will be able to train him and discipline him. Fez is an incredibly smart dog that needs to work and apartment living is not the right choice for him. I have had Fez for 9 months and in that time he has shown to be reactive towards other dogs and in a closed confined area such as an apartment complex this is negatively affecting his behavior. Fez has never bitten anyone or acted aggressively toward another human but he is extremely anxious towards other dogs and small animals. Fez loves to dance and fetch he absolutely loves to run and can sometimes be too curious. It s my hope that I can find a ranch or rural home for Fez to stretch his legs and be the dog he is meant to be. I initially rescued him from the Golden CO animal rescue center with no information on his previous owners or his history. He has a good heart and is an extremely smart dog perfect for the right owner. I m willing to deliver him to the right owner who is within a few hour drive from Denver and has the right environment for Fez. I don t want him to go back to a shelter for fear that his natural behavior will put him at a disadvantage and I am not desperate to get rid of him.



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