Warrior Brambleberry - Female Domestic Shorthair

Our rescue will be at the Palo Alto Pet Food Express Saturday August 27th and Sunday August 28th from 12-3pm. All of our dogs are spayed neutered shots current (DHPP Bordetella and Rabies where applicable) dewormed flea and tick treated and microchipped. If you are interested in a dog please first read the biography on the dog (keep scrolling down for the bio ) and then go to our website -.---.- for an application. We do not have a facility. All dogs live in foster homes. Arrangements to meet dogs occur after an approved application has been accepted. We do not ship our dogs for any reason. Our adoption fee is 400 for each dog puppy. If it is on a weekend of our adoptions follow us on (at)DPSRescue on Twitter to get real time updates on our adoptions. We will also post at the end of the evening the names of those dogs who have been adopted -.--XX.- DPSRescueMeet the Warrior Cats We pulled a very pregnant mama from the shelter and ended up with an adorable litter of kittens raised in an amazing foster home. Mamma cat is a sweetheart with a capital S. She loves to snuggle and be loved on. One of her most common uses of affection is to rub her face against people s faces.Flametail is a boy and the go getter of the group. This boy is super friendly and fun. He loves to interact with all people and is definitely the star of the show.Tallstar is a boy and definitely qualifies as the active one. He loves to hang out with whomever is willing to let him climb on them and play.Morningflower is a girl and the docile one of the bunch. She d love nothing more than to lay on your lap while you read or sleep in with you all morning. She s definitely people oriented .All of our kittens cats are microchipped neutered spayed and vaccinated. The adoption fee is 150 per kitten. Not all of our dogs go to each adoption event. We want to make sure if you are interested in a dog that we have the dog at adoptions but that can only happen if you fill out an application ahead of time and are pre-approved. (Generally this must happen prior to the weekend) If you are wanting to submit an application within 24 hours of an event please print off the application and bring with you as well as submitting it. You may still submit it and if time and volunteers permit we will contact you. Most applications submitted the weekend of adoptions are not responded to until after the adoption weekend.... More Info



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