Lucy - Female Spaniel (Unknown Type)Beagle Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.All of the animals posted on our site have been temperament tested. While not all are in the immediate area once we have processed and approved your application we will move the dog to our adoptive area for you to meet greet and hopefully adopt. Sometimes we will have more than one application on a dog. That does not mean it automatically goes to another family but you should be aware of the fact that until you are approved and set up for the meet greet.. the dog could get adopted by another applicant.Lucy is a very sweet puppy currently living in a foster home with adults (males and females) and children. She is doing very well and learning her house manners very quickly. She would love nothing more than to be with her new family and show them how smart she is. If you are interested in adopting Lucy please contact joanne at --X(at)--X or go to WWW.BAWF.ORG to fill out an application.Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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