Ollie (aka Scotty) - Male Yorkie Yorkshire TerrierTerrier (Unkno

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Please contact DFW Pup Patrol (-X(at)-----X) for more information about this pet.Ollie (previous name Scotty) is estimated to be around 2 years old and is a Yorkie mix. Scotty was rescued after being given to two different homes within a two week period and then offered up for free a third time. After being rescued by Pup Patrol he was placed in what was thought to be his forever home but unfortunately his family had a baby who was very allergic to him so he was returned again. He is about 15 lbs and is quite the little whimsical and active pup. Ollie would be best in a home with no other pups. He just loves to be the center of attention Ollie is housetrained and even knows how to use a doggie door. This little guy will make someone very happy If you are interested in adding this pup to your family please fill out our Pre-Adoption Application. The link to this form can be found on the home page of our website -X ----.-. It can be submitted via email to -X(at)-----X or faxed to -----X. All of our adoptable pups have an adoption fee of 225 regardless of our expenses and it includes vaccinations spay neuter heartworm test for pups 6 months and older heartworm treatment if tested positive deworming and or fecal test parasite treatment if tested positive microchipping any immediate known health issues and pups 4 months and older are kept current on monthly heartworm prevention.INTERNAL PSTD 07 20 15 LARION ADPTD 08 19 15 TSELF R TND 08 08 16 TSELF CNTC DFWPPRVisit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.DFW Pup Patrol Rescue... More Info



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