Charleston - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Small)Schnauzer (Minia

Charleston is incredibly sweet and quite the cuddle bug. She absolutely loves her walks and would really like to bond with another dog at home if possible. Her sweetest feature beyond her adorable scruffy face would be her sweet little puppy dog eyes (and her little tail that wags when she gets excited at breakfast dinner time). Charleston is a bit timid so she will need a patient owner who can be gentle with her to teach her to trust again and move slowly around her (and understand she may hide during a thunderstorm). Charleston is a female sp schnauzer terrier mix born January 2015. She is doing well with house training.For more information on our adoption process please visit our website at -.-----XX.- and read our Adoption FAQ s and Before You Adopt documents. In addition you can complete an online adoption application from our website. You can also email -X(at)------- for additional details. Our adoption fee is 250 and includes all age appropriate vaccines spay or neuter and microchipping. The breed and age included in this listing is based upon the opinion of a vet that has examined the dog. We cannot confirm the age of the dog unless the dog was born in the care of the rescue. We are located in the metro Atlanta area. We currently do not allow out of state adoptions as a home check is required as part of the adoption process.... More Info



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