Delivery Driver- Coralville

Perform all pre-trip responsibilities to include checking route numbers and account numbers for assigned deliveries count items and check customer invoices of products that have been loaded move tractor to the loading dock to attach preloaded trailer and or attach 2nd trailer with the dolly and perform pre-trip safety check inspection of truck and trailer according to Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. Drive to and deliver customer orders according to a predetermined route. Unload products from the trailer with a hand truck or by hand and place them in designated customer storage areas. Verify delivery of items with customer and obtain proper signatures. Collect money (cash or checks) where required and turn in all funds collected daily. Contact management for authorization on discrepancies with invoices and communicate all errors returns. Perform all post-trip responsibilities to include unload damaged goods and customer returns and complete necessary paperwork perform safety check on the vehicle unhook and secure trailer park and secure tractor and hand truck complete Department of Transportation (DOT) logs (electronic or manual as required) and complete company vehicle maintenance reports and reconcile with appropriate company representative as required. Attend all required driver meetings. Education Training High School Diploma GED preferred however must be able to read write and communicate in English as it relates to the job and to the safety regulations. Must have basic math skills and ability to work with money collected from customers to ensure the amount collected matches the invoiced amount. Must have Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Class A issued by the state of legal residence with the necessary endorsements and be DOT qualified. Must meet the medical requirements of the Department of Transportation (DOT). Related Experience Minimum 6 months of food or beverage delivery experience or 1 year over the road commercial driving experience. No more than 2 convictions in the past 2 year period for traffic violations. Not more than one of these may be a serious (as defined by DOT) violation or result of an accident - company or private vehicle No DUI convictions within past 3 years regardless of type of vehicle operated no driver s license suspension within past 3 years (insurance and overweight tickets are excluded) and no termination by previous employer for failure to comply with safety regulations or for accident involvement. Knowledge Skills Abilities Must be able to use or learn to use all equipment global positioning systems (GPS) i.e. XATA POD and tools used to perform the job. Must be able to perform all job functions safely. Must be able to work the scheduled assigned times and required overtime for the position. Must know have ability to learn MSDS information regarding all material used within the scope of the work. Must be able to perform coupling procedures for the Tractor Trailer. Must have excellent customer service skills. Must be at least 21 years of age. Must successfully pass a controlled substance abuse screening test. Must be able to work in extreme weather conditions including applying tire chains if needed. Must adhere to all safety practices and company policies. Experience in foodservice delivery preferred.



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