Marv(300) - Male DachshundChihuahua Mix

PLEASE COME SEE ME AT PETSMART THIS SATURDAY BETWEEN 10 AM AND 3 00 PM. PETSMART IS LOCATED IN REDDING CA AT 1336 HILLTOP (ACROSS FROM SEARS AT THE MT SHASTA MALL)Please contact -XX(at)-------XX for an application to adopt or you can apply online at -.------X.- . Once your application has been approved we can place a hold on that pet until 10 30 Saturday morningMarv is an adorable 3 month-old Doxie Chihuahua Mix Boy who caught a ride on the Freedom Bus from a very full Central Valley Shelter.He s sweet and cuddly and is sure to make a wonderful ConpanionThis puppy was born around May 20th and will weigh less than 10 lbs as an adult. Please understand the adult weight is a guess due to the supposed breed of the pup.Our puppies have been well socialized with other dogs cats and children. This puppy should make a wonderful addition to most any home. Please understand the special needs of a puppy and be willing to work to make this puppy grow into the companion he or she is meant to beThe adoption fee includes the vaccinations to date deworming flea treatment microchip any vet fees spay neuter We can only accept cash or credit cards for out of area adoptors LIKE US ON FACEBOOKWE UPDATE OUR WEBSITE INSTANTLY SO IF YOU ARE READING THIS THAT MEANS THAT THIS PET IS AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. This animal is located in Redding CA. While we do adopt out of our area we do not ship our animals please don t askWe accept PERSONAL CHECKS CASH and CREDIT CARDS... More Info



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