Nancy - Female Lhasa ApsoCockapoo Mix

Looking for brains and beauty Nancy has it all Nancy is a 3.5yr cockapoo-lhasa apso mix weighing about 18lbs. Like the sophisticated lady she is Nancy has excellent doggie manners and loves to get a regular grooming. Nancy loves to relax by your side and get brushed. Nancy also does well on a leash and keeps close by your side. This lovely girl can t wait to be your leading lady IMPORTANT This animal is NOT at Irving Animal Shelter. This dog has been rescued by PAWS for Irving Animals and is currently in foster care. To set up an appointment for us to bring the dog to meet you please follow the instructions below. Dogs in our foster care program are spayed neutered microchipped up to date on all vaccinations negative for heartworms and on regular heartworm preventative OR recently treated for heartworms and on regular heartworm preventative (It can take up to 6 months for a dog to test negative for heartworm after treatments. We will provide you all the medical documentation regarding the pet s treatment.) in loving foster care homes where they have received training and socialization to help them fit into your home more quickly. There are a few steps to set up the adoption. Complete the Adoption Application online. The online application is a web-based form that should be accessible on Mac PC tablet or other mobile device. If you d like us to send you a PDF via email we can do that too If you are meeting us at an event you can complete the application at the event itself. We require the application in advance so we can get to know a little more about you and for better safety of our fosters and the dogs. Schedule a home visit. After the adoption application is received a volunteer from PAWS for Irving Animals work with you to find the best time to meet the pet. Depending on your schedule and the schedule of the pet s foster parents this might be at a scheduled adoption event (Adoption Events) an area park or your home. If that initial visit goes well a volunteer will visit your home with the pet you are interested in adopting. We will ensure that the pet you are interested in has the opportunity to meet all the members of your immediate family including other pets to ensure that this adoption is a good fit. We can even do a trial adoption for a period of up to 3 days if you would like. (Note If you choose to do a trial adoption we will hold a check for the full price of the adoption fee until you make your final decision. If you choose not to adopt we will return the check to you when we pick up the dog.) Pay the adoption fee. The adoption fee is 200 for dogs under 12 months and 150 for dogs over 12 months of age. The adoption fee covers many elements full vetting (spay vaccinations etc) registration of microchip to you etc. You have 3 options for payment Via check. This can be either given to foster volunteer at adoption hand-off or mailed as a check made out to PAWS for Irving Animals with Adoption - DOG NAME in the memo line. The check can be given to PAWS representative at time of adoption. Online at -XX -------XX.-----.- adoption . Be sure to select the correct amount - 200 for dogs under 12 months and 150 for dogs over 12 months. You can pay via PayPal as a Friends & Family transfer to -------XX(at)--- ... More Info



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