Carmel - Male Chihuahua

Thank you for your interest in a rescued dog. Our descriptions contain all that we know about this dog today. We ll update as more information is known.We urge all of our potential adopters not to fall in love with a picture. While we like to know what you like in looks a dog is more than a pretty face. Our goal is to match you with the best possible pet for you and your home. We want to create furever families.Are you looking to adopt within the next 30 days If so please visit our webpage at -.------XX.- and complete the application. You ll find it in the menu on the left hand side. You ll also find a total listing of all our dogs available.Just browsing but interested in poodles and poodle mixes Please drop a note to ----(at)-------- with your name address and phone and email. We ll add you to our mailing list. thanks the CPR Adoption teamDate into Rescue 8 18 2016Reason for being in rescue owner surrender to Union County NC shelterFoster location Dreamweaver Farms Pacolet SCSpecial Needs noWeight 5.1Height 6 inches at the shoulderAdoption Fee 269Fence needed no but does enjoy running around a yardWhat kind of home would be best for me Carmel would love a home who could appreciate his puppy ways. He loves to be held and loved on but he also needs exercise. What is my personality like We are just learning about Carmel but he is super sweet and loves to be held. He loves to run and wrestle in the yard with his buddy Cash. Carmel seems to take correction well and learns quickly We are just getting to know Carmel since getting him from the shelter on 8 18 2016. He is very small and looked very scared and frightened in his kennel at the shelter. He seemed so happy to be leaving. Carmel is not yet neutered so he will settle down a lot after his surgery. (scheduled for 8 26). He does have a bad habit of whining and barking when he is not getting his way and we are working with him. Carmel is small currently weighing 5 pounds so he needs to be a in a home suitable for a dog this size. Carmel with the right training would become a wonderful little pocket dog. He is small enough to fit into a stylish doggie purse.How I act when I first meet new people Friendly playful. I love everybody in my foster home.House trained Dogs can be house trained if they are in the right environment and are allowed to follow a schedule as long as a physical reason doesn t keep them from being trained. A dog house trained in my home may not be in yours. We will help you teach your new dog this necessary skill and based on your schedule.My age vets says between 2 and 3 yearsPlease note - we do not ship dogs. If you are interested in adopting please take a look at the distance between the foster home location and your location and make sure you are willing to make that trip.To apply please visit our webpage at -.------XX.- and visit the tab on the left that directions you to the online application.Please note that when screening applications we look at the entire home and then make suggestions based on what would be a good fit for your home. You are not being screened for a specific dog although we are looking to see what type of dog interests you - poodles or non poodles color age etc. Others here may be a better fit for you. It is very difficult to get to know a living animal from a picture and a short description. Since we are constantly getting in new dogs this may be a dog not in our listings yet. We want you to be very happy with your new companion and will make suggestions based on what you tell us about you.You can also read our adoption tips page for hints and helps on adopting a rescued dog. -X -.------XX.- AdoptionTips.shtml or for general information on Carolina Poodle Rescue please visit our FAQs - -X -.------XX.- FAQGeneral.shtml ... More Info



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