Chico - Male American Bulldog Mix

URGENT AT RISK OF EUTHANASIA Wow Have you ever seen a more handsome fella Chico is downright GORGEOUS This fella has such a sweet easy going personality. He LOOOOOOVES meeting new friends and is constantly wagging his tail. Chico knows to sit when asked and posed like America s Next Top Model while we took his pictures. Please take a moment to watch his video and you will see just how amazing he is Chico desperately needs a safe and loving home or a receiving rescue ASAP Needless to say...his time is quickly running out. Can you open your heart and home and offer him a second chance at life and love PLEASE HURRY This pet has been at the shelter since 06 24 16 As a special thank you for adopting from Coweta County Animal Control Sliding Rock Cabins in Ellijay GA would like to extend to you and your new family member a discount of 10% off any reservation of 6 nights or less. Or 5% and the discounted weekly rate for 7 or more nights. -.-----XX.- -----X. Just mention Coweta County Animal control and which fur-baby you have adopted when making your reservation. All cabins are pet friendly many with fenced yards. No size or breed restrictions at most cabins. In appreciation to Coweta s foster families this offer is extended to fosters also. Thank you Sliding Rock Cabins A Better Dog Home Dog Training is offering 20% off if this pet is adopted in the following counties in GA Carroll Douglas & West Cobb. Contact Barry Sechler at -----X. Thank you Barry Out of state adopters welcomed. ALL PETS WILL BE SPAYED NEUTERED BEFORE LEAVING SHELTER. Adopt a shelter pet and have a friend for life )... More Info



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