Danton - Male Jack Russell Terrier Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.All of the animals posted on our site have been temperament tested. While not all are in the immediate area once we have processed and approved your application we will move the dog to our adoptive area for you to meet greet and hopefully adopt. Sometimes we will have more than one application on a dog. That does not mean it automatically goes to another family but you should be aware of the fact that until you are approved and set up for the meet greet.. the dog could get adopted by another applicant.Sweet little Danton or Danny Boy as we have taken affectionately to calling him is an adorable funny happy guy. Great with other dogs he is also interested in everything around him. Full of life and so young at only a year old he has a long and full life ahead of him to love you with all his heart. A sturdy dog for his size he has that terrier mentality...always up for What s happening today He would love to bound around in your backyard go for interesting walks and return your attention with a tail that wags so fast that it blurs He does not like being locked away and especially doesn t like being crated but that s ok because he will be king of the house in no time caring for it defending his castle when aliens approach (translated...he will let you know when someone has come to the door) but most of all he will bring his irrepressable joy into your life. If you are interested in Danton please contact ---X(at)--- Click here to sponsor this dog Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.... More Info



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