Mahogany Tables (3) Leather Tops

UPDATED 8 24 2003 Pictures 1 and 2 of a third table with shelf. Antique Carved Mahogany Leather Top End Tables which measure 17 wide and 23 long .One of the tables has the original label inside the drawer The Genuine Mahogany association label shows the quality that was done as these were beautifully made and each table sits on SOLID mahogany legs that are nicely tapered block legs with its original brass handles. The drawers are all doweled and dovetailed together with brass pull handles that pull handles that have a nice floral decor pattern etched into the brass itself. The top of each table have beautiful leather insets with gold tooling embossed throughout the edges with a beautiful floral decor pattern. This pair was beautifully made after traditional designs of the 17th and 18th Century with quality and craftmanship that is no longer found today and all these added features is what gives it character and its beauty. These tables are a RARE FIND due to size age and beauty and is an original antique pair that dates back to the earlier part of the 1900s that was American which prior to 1950 made some of the HIGHEST quality furniture the market had to offer during the time period. some minor imperfections on it with its age but overall are in excellent shape. 100 cash only for the 3 tables. Pick up is required for items located in Springfield IL.



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